Tuesday 22 April 2014

Skinny Minnie...

Hi everyone, so today I want to talk about weight. I was shocked to read that 7 out of 10 women are self conscious about their weight and body image. I'm not going to lie, I'm included in that statistic. For the past few years I have felt uncomfortable about my weight, especially during the summer when I start thinking about wearing shorts and bikinis on holiday. Now I'm not saying that I think I'm obese, just that I could do with losing a few pounds. In my mind I thought that I wanted to be a size 10 (uk size) and that would make me happy. But no more, today I have decided to embrace my curves and start to feel confidant in my skin.

So I want to give any self conscious girls out there a few reasons why they should learn to love their curves.
  • We look amazing in a pair of jeans. If you have a bum the best thing you can do is to put on a pair of jeans. Not only do they look fantastic but we fill them out beautifully.
  • Men love a girl with curves. They love the confidence a curvy girl has, the big bum and boobs don't go a miss either.
  • Strut your stuff. With shoulder back and our back slightly arched curvy girls naturally have an amazing walk.
Loving yourselves means others will love you too. When you look in the mirror love what you see, this will give you the confidence to wear what you want and to feel as fabulous as you look.

It has taken me a long time to feel confidant with my body image and work with "what I was given". Today I have decided to remove the "f" word (fat) from vocabulary and try be happy with all of my curves. I hope you like this post. If you have anymore reasons why a girl should love her curves leave a comment. Much love Toni xoxo


  1. Absolutely loved the post! Any person is beautiful if he/she is beautiful inside. Height, weight and color have no contribution in making anyone beautiful!


  2. Hello I just discovered your blog and I really love this post! I'm really self concious about my weight and I really think it's a big thing these days because the society is turning more people to become really skinny and it's bad. You really made my day with your post! Thank you:) Can't wait to read more XO


  3. This is definitely how more girls should approach their figure. I may not be the skinnest but I don't want to be. I am working on becoming fitter, but generally I try to be happy with my size. I love the Marilyn Munroe quote <3 She has amazing one's and it couldn't fit better!



Thanks for your comments, I read all of them and will try to reply to as many as possible xxx